Sunday, September 21, 2014

September 22-26

This week in 2A we will be starting our first spelling list. Up until now we have been reviewing many sight words and spelling patterns while we do our morning message. We will continue with our morning message but will also have a list this week to study for the test on Friday. Look for the list in your child's agenda. We will talk about how important it is for their printing to be neat so they know what the words are when they get home!  Please know that the 10 or so words on the list are just an outline for the students. My lists are generally based on phonics and throughout the week we practise applying that spelling pattern to many words-not just the words on the list. I will put two "surprise words" on the test. These are words that are not on the list but do follow the same pattern/sound we worked on all week. For example-land may be a list word but I may ask the kids to spell band on the test. I want the students to learn to apply the spelling, not just memorize and then forget!

We will also be having our first speaking assignment. As part of a unit on community, each student chooses an occupation to present to the class. They need to include what the job entails, tools of the trade and why they are interested in that occupation. I'm looking for about 4 sentences. They will each go to front of the class to present.

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