Thursday, December 18, 2014

Busy Week

Well the week is almost finished. It has been so busy and crazy around here but fun busy and crazy. I truly believe that preforming in a concert is such a great experience for children. Practicing something to make it "perfect" is a great training for many things to come in their lives. Overcoming jittery nerves, stage fright or even learning a new skill such as playing the Orff instruments are also great accomplishments. Our group really did get better each time they preformed. I think they could tell the difference as well and it really made them feel like they accomplished something. Concerts are a lot of work for everyone involved so we really appreciate your kind words. They looked so great in their fifties outfits so thanks for going the extra mile with the outfits.

I have taken a few pictures over the last month of the students getting ready for Christmas. When I get a  few extra minutes (after school is finished) I will put the photos together in a movie. Keep checking the blog.

Mr. 9l and Miss 8m have fifty nights of reading this week. Congratulations to both of you! Here is 9l's picture.

We are happy and proud to congratulate 1w on becoming a Canadian citizen. In our classroom we really stress how lucky we are to live in such a great country. 

Have a wonderful holiday season! Enjoy every second with your family.

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